Rancho Alegre

Property details

  • Code: 7041433
  • Country: El Salvador
  • State / Region: Sonsonate
  • City: Acajutla
  • Status: Second-hand
  • Area Ground: 1076152 m²
  • Area Private: 1076152 m²
  • Built year: 1990
  • Property type: Estate
  • Business type: Sale
  • Administration Fee: US$0

Price of sale


American dollars

Outside features

  • Stable
  • Warehouse
  • Yard
  • Power plant
  • River/Creek nearby
  • Public transport nearby
  • Country zone
  • Camping area
  • Residential area

Additional Description

Esta maravillosa propiedad cuenta con 154 manzanas de terreno, equivalente a 1,076,152 metros cuadrados

Ubicada a la orilla de la carretera litoral, en el departamento de Sonsonate

El 95% del terreno es plano, y cuenta con su propia bodega para almacenar materia prima, establo, y su propia planta electrica y de procesamiento de leche. Se abastece de agua de 2 rios por medio de tuberias y una quebrada que pasa en el lindero de la propiedad. 

Las calles internas estan bien desarrolladas

Se vende a puerta cerrada, con 512 cabezas de ganado (Holstein y Brown swiss) de los cuales, 250 estan en ordeno y el resto se encuentran en desarrollo. 

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This wonderful property has 154 blocks of land, equivalent to 1,076,152 square meters.

Located on the edge of the coastal highway, in the department of Sonsonate

95% of the land is flat, and it has its own warehouse to store raw materials, a stable, and its own electrical and milk processing plant. It is supplied with water from 2 rivers through pipes and a stream that passes at the edge of the property.

The internal streets are well developed.

It is sold behind closed doors, with 512 head of cattle (Holstein and Brown Swiss), of which 250 are in order and the rest are under development.

They produce an average of 3,500 bottles daily (13.75 per cow)

If you want to enjoy country life, or simply have a livestock farm that generates profitability, this is your best option. The entire milk production is purchased by a fixed customer.

This large plot of land will allow you to do any other development activity, whether tourism or real estate.

You can request a visit at this time.

Producen diariamente un promedio de 3,500 botellas (13.75 por vaca)

Si quieres disfrutar la vida del campo, o simplemente tener una finca ganadera que genere rentabilidad, esta es tu mejor opcion. La produccion de leche es comprada completa por un cliente fijo. 

Este amplio terreno te permitira hacer cualquier otra actividad de desarrollo, ya sea turistico o inmobiliario. 

Puedes solicitar una visita en este momento. 




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